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Social media is affecting workplace productivity.

Help! Social media is affecting workforce productivity.

Modern business is driven by the internet so it is almost impossible to find a workplace that does not use the Web or cloud computing for everyday operations. However, while the internet is a critical business asset, for many employers it can also be a problem.

Cyberslacking – the act of avoiding work by scouring the internet – costs businesses millions every year. Studies of productivity killers in the workplace rank the internet and social media amongst the top five things for employers to watch out for; sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube lead the way for time wasters.

If you feel social media usage is affecting workplace productivity, Cloud Web Security can be used to your benefit. Using this advanced software, administrators are able to enforce user restrictions that can limit social media usage, or block it completely. Through dedicated user policies and URL content filtering, office internet use can be regulated to ensure employees only visit work related websites.

Restrictions can also be modified and amended as and when required, allowing you to permit social media sites at particular times of the day or as a reward for employee efforts.

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