01274 924686 info@itwiser.co.uk


Why do I need an Internal Security Audit?

Many companies trust their employees and don’t think about what a disgruntled employee could do to damage a system. Unfortunately a lot of companies buy a firewall to protect from the internet threats but often don’t look to protect their internal systems. Typically temporary workers/disgruntled employees/bored work experience staff pose the largest risk. We often get called in after an issue has occurred to setup the relevant security systems and to perform some forensics as to what happened.

We have seen instances of staff deleting key databases. Staff stealing company records such as customer database lists. Staff downloading large quantities of music, games, movies illegally and storing them on their personal memory sticks. Staff reading payroll wage information without consent. It is incredible how frequent the internal risk has become and how businesses do so little to protect against the many threats.

What is an Internal Security Audit?

Our internal security audit will expose exactly what a disgruntled employee could do. It will highlight what is at risk and how you can do things better to protect yourself from the unknown threat inside your network. You have to give employees access to things to do their job but you can restrict what they shouldn’t be doing with the right software and policies in place. You will be given a report at the end of the audit to show you where your business is at risk and we would be more than happy to take this a step further and help implement relevant solutions to ensure your network is secure.