01274 924686 info@itwiser.co.uk



IASME are a Cyber Essentials Accreditation Body backed by GCHQ (Government Communications Head Quarters) and the NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre).  Part of their remit is to train security focused companies and ethical hackers to become certification bodies for Cyber Essentials.  ITWiser are a Cyber Essentials Certification Body and IASME Assessor through IASME and are one of only a few companies in the north to have attained the accreditation.

IASME helped to develop the Cyber Essentials standard fast being adopted by the public and private sector in the UK.  IASME have taken this a step further and have created their own standard which builds on the Cyber Essentials framework.  This standard provides governance and gives companies an understanding of IT risks.

The IASME Standard has been updated and now has a focus on GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).  By putting your business through the IASME standard and specifically the GDPR questions, your company will become GDPR Ready.  

IASME have worked closely with government departments and the ICO (Information Commissioners Office) to develop the standard which is fast being adopted by SMEs as the cost effective alternative to ISO 27001.  ISO 27001 is designed for large organisations to manage their security systems properly but by catering for large firms it makes the certification very hard and expensive for small firms in the SME sector to obtain.

IASME Cyber Assurance Level 1 – consists of a self assessment questionnaire with questions expanding on the Cyber Essentials requirements.

IASME Cyber Assurance Level 2 – is an independent audit of your business procedures and policies to ensure you are functioning securely.  By obtaining the accreditation you are mitigating fines from the ICO regarding data protection.  You are demonstrating to your supply chain that you are serious about data that you hold about them.

To find out more information about IASME visit their website: https://www.iasme.co.uk

If you are interested in getting the IASME Basic or the IASME Standard for your business, get in touch with ITWiser today for a quote.  Quotes vary depending on the size and complexity of the business which is why there isnt fixed pricing.  The audits are also moderated by IASME themselves in order to maintain the premium level of the IASME standard.