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What is the ICO?

This is the body setup by the UK government to uphold information rights and the manage data protection.

What do the ICO do

The ICO ensures the data protection act and shortly the GDPR rules are being followed correctly.  They uphold information rights which are in the public interest.

The ICO are currently 80% government funded which is set to change shortly to become fully self funded through fines and penalties given to companies for being none GDPR compliant.  Therefore with this in mind you should be looking now to become GDPR compliant.  One good route to doing this is via Cyber Essentials and the IASME Standard.  These two combined would reduce significantly the penalties imposed if an issue were to occur.

Some useful information

Recent Enforcement Action

ICO Decision Notices

Data Security Incident Trends

Cyber Essentials

IASME Standard