01274 924686 info@itwiser.co.uk

How do companies keep up with security threats?

How do companies such as ITWiser keep up with security threats?

New security threats are making their way to the Internet every single day. According to one estimate from 2012, as many as 70,000 different malware threats are introduced daily. In order for companies such as ITWiser to keep up, constant vigilance and Internet research is necessary. We must always be on the lookout for anything new in the wild. 

To that end, we make a point of staying abreast of updates published on a regular basis by software developers such as Microsoft, Adobe, etc. The software developers are on the cutting edge of discovering new threats against their products developed when hackers find loopholes and other vulnerabilities. We also stay abreast of security bulletins offered by the biggest names in Internet security. 

We apply all of our research to our own software as well as the third-party products we employ. As soon as a threat is detected, we immediately get to work to make sure all of our customers are protected. This includes updating our own software as necessary and offering any patches or other fixes that become available. This is the bare minimum required of any company offering cloud security.


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