Does social media pose a security risk?
Does social media use pose a security risk?
Any form of network computing involves security vulnerabilities that must be dealt with. Social media is no exception. Sites such as Facebook, Google+, and Twitter all have their weaknesses that can be easily exploited by those who know what they are doing. Individual users and IT departments need to make sure they stay up to speed regarding the current state of social media security.
The most vulnerable are those who use social media for personal reasons. They are easy targets for everything from identity theft to viruses and other malware. Corporate social media accounts are not as vulnerable, but that does not mean hackers will not go after businesses. Company IT departments need to be diligent to keep an eye on all social media activities.
A company’s Facebook or Twitter page is an unlikely target of hackers looking for specific kinds of information. The real threat is when workers use company computers to access their own personal accounts. Doing so can compromise computer workstations by way of infected apps, dangerous links, phishing attempts, and so on. The best way to protect yourself and your company is to establish and enforce strict social media policies.
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