01274 924686 info@itwiser.co.uk


Cyber essentials portal

When you are ready for your business to be assessed for Cyber Essentials you will need to do the following in order to take your assessment:

  1. Get in touch with ITWiser and arrange for and pay for the Cyber Essentials assessment.  
  2. ITWiser will then create you an account on the secure IASMEportal.
  3. The portal will email and text you the secure logon details for the portal directly.

 You need to come back to this page and click the link below to go to the portal.


You do not have to complete the assessment in one go, you can answer some parts then logout and come back to the rest later.  

You must answer every question otherwise the assessment will fail.

You should include notes for as many questions as possible.

When you have completed your assessment you must submit it to be marked.

Click here to logon to the secure Cyber Essentials Portal to take your Cyber Essentials or Cyber Essentials & IASME Basic Assessments.