01274 924686 info@itwiser.co.uk

When it comes to backup solutions, there is a misconception that cloud online backup is a service only suitable for large enterprises, an expensive alternative to discs and external hard drives. In reality, cloudonline backup is extremely affordable and is available to absolutely everyone that has important data to protect. For small businesses, choosing to backup files and folders in the Cloud can mean surviving disaster

Unfortunately, disaster is a word associated with computers far too often, much more than anybody using PCs would be comfortable with. It is in the immediate aftermath of a disaster, due to fire, theft or, most commonly, hard drive failure, that a disaster recovery plan is brought into action. This disaster recovery plan will generally involve locating where data is backed up and restoring it to new systems. Cloud online backup is an essential element post-disaster and is the only way to ensure that data is protected. Unlike,  other backup solutions, the cloud stores files remotely in data centres across the world. This means it is physically impossible to touch and is therefore not at risk of fire or theft in the same way that discs and external hard drives are. 

 While most people are aware that data must be backed up, doing so with  cloud online backup  can seem rather confusing in comparison to the tried-and-trusted method of an external hard drive. The Cloud is still a relatively new concept to many people; however, creating and maintaining files and folders is a very simple process and one that is more secure than the alternatives.  

When backing up data to disc and hard drive, it is often left unsecured, leaving your business and your clients exposed should hardware ever fall into the wrong hands. This risk is eliminated with cloud online backup thanks to files being stored remotely and 256-bit military grade encryption preventing anyone but you accessing data. 

Cloud online backup services are widely available, but for true peace of mind there are certain features that must be provided; these include: 

* backup of all systems and servers 

* backup of network folders and nas devices 

* pc and mac file synchronisation 

* the ability to create sharing folders 

* the option to expand as your business grows 

ITWiser is one of the few Cloud Online Backup providers to offer each of these features and will ensure that, if an unforeseen disaster strikes, your important data is safe and sound.