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Can I use online web security with Windows XP? 

Is Cloud Web Security Compatible With Windows XP?

On April 8 2014, after 12 years, Microsoft ended support for its Windows XP operating system. Despite this, due to cost and familiarity, the OS continues to be a hugely popular choice for thousands of business users.

With Microsoft no longer providing essential updates for XP, it is essential that a third party security measure is put in place. While some software is no longer compatible with the operating system, Cloud Web Security is.

With Cloud Web Security installed on your network, you can protect all of your Windows XP systems at the same time, enjoying the same benefits once provided by Microsoft Security Essentials and more, including antivirus protection, antiphishing system, anti-spyware and malware engine,  URL content filtering, detailed user policies, real-time reporting, and more.

While upgrading your OS to a newer version of Windows is the recommended long-term solution, Cloud Web Security will ensure your machines are fully protected for as long as you continue to use XP. 

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